Monday, March 2, 2009

He's in surgery

That was really freakin' hard. We just had to hand him off to the anesthesiologist. He had some sedative that made him really sleepy - loopy, in fact. His eyes were at half mast and he was grabbing at my face... so cute. Ted and I had a moment to sob, then collect ourselves before meeting 'Nana and Pa' in the waiting area. A few more sobs when we saw them. My dad is on his way, and I'm sure there will be more sobs when he gets here.

Now we just wait. There are nurse liasons who will update us frequently. They'll call before they make the first incision - could be any minute (it's been an hour since they brought him in). Then update every 75-90 minutes. Then update when taking him off heart-lung bypass machine and closing. Then the surgeon will come out and talk to us. Needless to say, I'm terrified. But I can't do much about it except watch 30 Rock and try to escape. We did see the surgeon before leaving the prep area, and he was incredibly calm, smooth, reassuring. So that's nice.

I LOVE that it's snowing today. Love that schools are closed. Makes the world seem special somehow...

Anyway, we'll update again when we know anything. Thanks for checking in.


  1. Sending you all LOTS of love and hugs!

  2. Anna - Hang in there. My thoughts are with you guys!
    Take care - Debbie Dorsey
