Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday... and going home?

While Coley is happily playing with my mom and his Sesame Street balloon, I wanted to update you on what's been going on today.

He slept fairly well last night. Down at 9pm, then up at midnight and 4:30 for comfort and to nurse. That time he stayed up for a good hour and a half before finally falling back to sleep. But then slept until he needed his meds at 8.

He was doing great for a few minutes when he woke up, but then, of course when they wanted to come in and do an echocardiogram, which he has to be really still for, he got really cranky and gave the echo tech and Dr. Marx a bit of a show. Made a liar out of our nurse and Dr. Marx who both told the echo tech that he was "a really easy going baby." Funny... But they did do the echo and it looks good: good function and flow. My mom took him down to x-ray, which will show whether there is fluid buildup around the heart or lungs. I think they were not going to do the x-ray, but he was doing a little grunting breathing this morning in front of Dr. Marx, so he said to keep it. Not long after the doc left, though, he had a HUMONGOUS poop. And stopped struggling! Of course...

They also just did another blood draw to check white blood cell count, which was a couple points high yesterday. That could indicate infection, but he has not had a fever, which would also be a sign of infection, so they're not too worried about it, just doing it as a precaution. Hopefully the results of the x-ray and CBC are good. Then we'll be able to come home this afternoon! Of course I'm a little scared for us to be alone with him, no computer monitoring his breathing/heart rate/sats, but it will be nice to all sleep in the same place comfortably again.

He's being really good right now! Maybe he'll take a nap. Me too. I'll let you know our discharge status or any other test results as soon I find out.

Oh, and thanks to all our visitors yesterday and throughout the week. We've had many! It is wonderful to feel so loved and cared for. Thank you.

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