Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Step down!!

I'm writing to you from the general recovery ward, or "step down." This is a wonderful transition for so many reasons; first of course is that Coley is no longer in intensive care, is healing wonderfully, and progressing towards going home! As I write, he is cooing and playing with his daddy and two grandmas.

Another great reason to be here is that I can FINALLY log into the blog to post for you!

Our cardiologist came to check on him a couple hours ago and said that he'll probably go home Friday or Saturday. Of course not until he's ready, but he's on the quick road outta here. We're all saying that he seems like he's pretty much back to his regular self. He is still on some pain medication that's making him a bit more sedate than usual, but he does seem alert and he's playing with all sorts of things - we'll post some video soon.

I have some writings from yesterday (Tuesday) and this morning that I'll post explaining some of what has happened since we posted last on Monday evening.

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