Friday, February 27, 2009

Home Friday night

Finally back home, and grateful to be here, not at the hospital. We're all exhausted. Coley is STILL sleeping. He woke up twice - once to eat (he downed a bottle of sugar water and nursed a little before falling back asleep) and again when the nurse took his IV out (ouch!). We're probably in for a rough night, given that he's basically been sleeping since 8:30 this morning. But he's sleeping so peacefully now... we should probably take advantage of it and all just go to bed!

Many thanks to all of you who had us in your thoughts today. Whatever you're doing, keep it coming! The docs were SO pleased with what they saw in the cath today. Everything looks just right - pressure is good, valves are good, heart function is good, etc. They think the timing of the Glenn is perfect and that he should come through it really well. They've been right about everything so far!

Now on to a relaxed weekend before Monday's ordeal. We'll post again soon!

Good boy!

We were waiting for the phone call, and in walks the cath doctor, who exclaims, "All done!" Yay! Quick and easy, no interventions. He should wake up soon, and if that all goes well, we should be on our way back home soon. Phew... step one nearly complete. A couple days to hang out, relax, and enjoy him some more, then Monday we're back for more nail-biting.

Cath is underway. More waiting...

8:20 a.m.
Ted and I just left Coley's bedside after giving him some sedative and watching him fall asleep. He fought sleep with everything he's got, but he does that at home, too, so no surprise there. Finally, though, he was resting peacefully when they wheeled him out. They said that the sedative worked really well, and that they probably won't need to give him general anesthesia, and maybe not even more sedative, since it was working so well. That's a relief.

What they're doing today is a cardiac catheterization. This will give the doctors an accurate picture of the anatomy of the heart and surrounding vessels, and allow them to take measurements of pressure and flow. This will inform the doctors performing the Glenn procedure on Monday; they can be as quick and precise as possible. 'Get in and get out,' that's the mantra these days.

8:45 a.m.
Our cardiologist just stopped by to say that everything looks like it's going well in the cath lab. We'll get updates every hour from the nurse in there. When we left, he said that he'd call in an hour and hopefully tell us that they're wrapping up. Everyone seems to think that it won't take as long as first anticipated (which was 3-5 hours), but only about 2 hours. We'll see... I'm not holding my breath.

By the way, Coley was a super champ this morning. He couldn't eat anything after 3, and we anticipated having a cranky bear on our hands. He was absoultely chipper! He did wake up at 4:30 wanting a snack and was upset when he couldn't have anything, but he went back to sleep and woke up happy at 6:30. He was talking away in the car and to the nurses. As cute as can be! We're so grateful that Ted's mom, 'Nana,' came down and got to see him before they brought him in.

Ok, we'll update when we hear something!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Man and beast

Hi everyone,

We're getting pretty close now to some prolonged hospital time. I'm trying not to dwell on what is to come, and just spend this time enjoying and having fun with our adorable, happy baby! Here are a few more pictures and a video so you can do the same. He loves his doggy. I wish I had a video of him watching himself in this video - it's almost cuter than the original video! Check back soon for more updates about how tomorrow's pre-op workup and Friday's cardiac catheterization.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Vermont Trip

We had a great trip to visit my sister Hylah and her family for the 4 day weekend (thank you Abe Lincoln). We had two very restful sunny days, then Hylah and I caught Coley's cold. Ick.

On our return home, we spend the night with Anna's grandma Nancy at her wonderful new home in Peterborough, NH.