Monday, October 20, 2008

7 weeks old! (Also, a tribute to the grandma)

Wow - nearly 7 weeks, Coley!! You're a beautiful boy! We love you!

Despite a lack of sleep and a vast increase in laundry, the past nearly 7 weeks have been just so incredible! Watching Coley grow and change and begin to interact with us brings me indescribable joy. These past weeks have been made so much more wonderful by the help, love, and support of our friends and family. One person in particular has been present and helpful beyond compare. Whatever name she ends up being called by - Grandma, Granny, Grammy, Meemaw - my mom has been a true lifesaver. And I just love watching her with Coley - her love for him is clearly abundant.

So, though it's a meager attempt, I want to thank her with this post. Thank you, mom. Coley and I love you!