Friday, November 7, 2008


Coley's 2 month birthday was November 3rd! It's truly amazing to me that so much time has passed. I'm incredulous...

...that this is my life! I have a baby? I'm a mom? Really???
...what a great dad Ted is.
...that Coley is doing so wonderfully well given the challenges we know are ahead. the quality of medical care we are receiving (thanks in large part to my dad. Thanks Dad!). the incredible sanity-preserving support and help I'm getting from my mom. his growth and development - in just 9 weeks he's grown to 23.5 inches long and 12 lbs!! his beautiful eyelashes! They're coming in long and brown. (Will his eyes stay blue?) his sweet, sweet, heart-melting smile. Makes it all worthwhile!
...I could go on, but I won't.

As for heart news, word is that Coley will have the Glenn Procedure at about 4 months old. That's probably sometime in January. We had been thinking it would be between 3-4 months old (December). It would be nice to do it before the holidays - to do away with the anticipation before then, but of course we want to do it whenever it will be the most beneficial and most successful for Coley.

I'll post some more pictures and maybe some video soon. He's changing so fast!!

Thanks for checking in...