Monday, September 26, 2011

Coley's HOME!

Anna and Coley got home at 4PM today!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday update

Nothing much going on here. Quiet on Sundays. As it should be!

Coley's chest x-ray from this morning still looks a little too wet. So he's getting tons of diuretics to try to pull that fluid away. He's also pretty much retaining all the food & drink he eats - he's had half a kilo weight gain since yesterday! But he's moved things through a little (with lots of effort. Poor guy.).

The plan is still to go home tomorrow. We're scheduled for a discharge echocardiogram between 8am-1pm (the only thing that trumps that is an emergency echo). So that's a good sign, but I wouldn't be surprised if we were told to stay until the end of the day so they can push the diuretics and get another chest x-ray.

Other than a very full belly, I'd say he's feeling like himself again! He's been driving all around the cardiac ward. We had a visit from his friend Sari yesterday and went outside to the Prouty Garden. What a haven! He also decided to decorate his pressure bandage... And here he is with a cookie bigger than his head!

Thank you Dr. del Nido!!