Wednesday, June 3, 2009

9 months!

Seriously?? 9 months?! I can't believe it! Last year, this milestone seemed so far away.

Hi everyone! Here's an update from the other side of 9 months! He's crawling and cruising around in his own special way: with one foot and one knee. Even so, he's speedy and curious - watch out, Mom and Dad! No more plopping him down on the carpet to play. The boy is on the move!

He is eating pretty much anything and everything in the way of food - fruits, veggies, grains, meats, yogurt and cheese - and still nursing like a champ, too. He tried salmon last night, and likes it almost as much as his daddy (which is not very much). He's growing lots and fast - check out those arms!

He has 4 teeth: two bottom middle ones, then the canines on top, but not the upper middle ones! It's a little strange... I'm afraid we might have Dracula-baby for a while. Hopefully the middle ones will come in soon.

And sleep, well... sleep will come some day. A good night is when he's only up twice. He's still waking up three or four times before 7am. And I'm lucky if I can get him to sleep before 9pm. He's just too excited by his new found mobility and babbling language to sleep for too long! Fortunately he does take a nap or two during the day. And overall, he's a really happy kid! So the lack of sleep (compared to what the "experts" say he should be getting) doesn't seem to be making him too cranky.

Thanks, all, for following our story here. Here are some pictures and some video footage since the last post (6-9months old).

Here's the video!