Friday, February 27, 2009

Home Friday night

Finally back home, and grateful to be here, not at the hospital. We're all exhausted. Coley is STILL sleeping. He woke up twice - once to eat (he downed a bottle of sugar water and nursed a little before falling back asleep) and again when the nurse took his IV out (ouch!). We're probably in for a rough night, given that he's basically been sleeping since 8:30 this morning. But he's sleeping so peacefully now... we should probably take advantage of it and all just go to bed!

Many thanks to all of you who had us in your thoughts today. Whatever you're doing, keep it coming! The docs were SO pleased with what they saw in the cath today. Everything looks just right - pressure is good, valves are good, heart function is good, etc. They think the timing of the Glenn is perfect and that he should come through it really well. They've been right about everything so far!

Now on to a relaxed weekend before Monday's ordeal. We'll post again soon!

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