Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Good morning!

Good morning. I came home last night so Anna could stay with Coley. I just talked to her and he had a second smooth night and is doing well. Phewww.

They pulled out the two chest drainage tubes at 6:30PM yesterday...tough little Coley almost smiled during the process as not-so-tough daddy almost fainted! So he's almost completely off the machines. Just monitors now. Anna's been able to hold him. In fact I just called her and she was breast feeding! He's also not as drugged up now - just pain meds now.

I can't type here long as I really need to get back to see them, but wanted to thank everyone for their amazing love and support. This has been a very hard time for us as you can imagine, but it's been made easier by so many of you. Most of all it's been made easier by brave Coley doing so well!

We're sorry this blog isn't accessible from in the hospital as we wanted to post more info for everyone, but none of that matters - Coley is doing well - that is what matters.

We're moving him out of CICU today!

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