Monday, March 2, 2009


Hi again, everyone. I'm down on another computer - couldn't sign in on the wireless connection, for whatever reason. Urgh.

I don't have much time because I'm about to faint from hunger, but here's the quick update. He's doing remarkably well. They're pushing morphine, chloral hydrate, and fluids to keep him pain-free, hydrated, and balanced. He looks very pink (funny how we didn't even notice he was anything other than perfectly pink!), and his O2 sats are hovering around 89%. Pretty sweet! He has sort of woken up a couple times and looked around druggedly. I can tell he's uncomfortable, unfortunately, but that's what the morphine is for.

They're hoping to extubate him in the next couple of hours - that is, take his breathing tube out of his nose and let him breathe on his own. I don't want to be there for that; it apparently makes them cough and sputter and cry and isn't too pleasant. BUT, that will be a major step toward moving him out of the ICU and onto the recovery floor. And it'll be nice to see his face again!

We'll let you know if anything happens. Thanks for staying tuned and sorry for the delay in posting!

-Anna, Ted, and Coley


  1. So glad. Our thoughts are with you all
    hugs, love,
    Barbara and Fethi

  2. So glad for the good news. Our thoughts are with you all
    Barbara and Fethi

  3. I am sooo happy for all of you. All of my prayers and best wishes

  4. I am so glad to hear that everything is going well. Thanks for the updates during what must be a very stressful time! take care ! cristin
