Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Another beautiful, sunny, good morning. Coley had his chest tubes removed last night. He was a super champ for it all. Granted he did have a morphine cocktail, but the nurses said he’d get upset, but really he didn’t for long at all. Lucky Nabia and Scotland got to see it all… they showed up for a visit just in time. Pat and Dan came for a visit just after that, so they got to see a tube-free Coley. Except for the nasal canula with oxygen, he had only the IV in his foot, which wasn’t even connected to anything, the three stickies on his chest to record RR and HR, and the red light glowing O2 sat monitor. Pretty good after having so many other IVs and tubes in him just a few hours before.

He had a great night last night, woke up a few times, but was able to be calmed back to sleep. I got to nurse him, too… he seems to be back to normal in that department, at least! Hungry, hungry hippos…

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