Saturday, September 24, 2011

Resting Boy

Coley's sleeping well! And if anyone deserves some rest, it's him. Yesterday, he had a solid 2.5 hour nap during his usual afternoon slot. And right now he's almost 10 hours into a 10PM - 8+AM rest. Fewer and fewer nurse interruptions, no more chest tubes, Bertucci's pizza, and a nice quiet room to himself are to credit.

Some nice visits last night from Coley's radiologist (who's son is in my class!), Dr. Ester, Dan and Kerri, Modern Family, and Dr. Marx.

Dr. Marx continues to be pleased with Coley's progress and says we can go home on Monday. Others said maybe Sun or even today, but we're happy Coley's lead doctor is on the cautious side and we'll only leave when they're sure he's ready.

Check out this photo of Coley's oxygen levels! 95%! We were so used to numbers in the 80s, that seeing them constantly in the 90s is pretty special. His red and blue blood are mixing much less now in his single ventricle. Less mixing is what this is all about. They're usually right around 92% now, and occasionally higher. In six to twelve months, when a pressure vent (fenistration) on the new gortex tube in his heart closes, his oxygen levels will go even higher.

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