Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Out of ICU

We moved from the Cardiac ICU to "The Floor" (or Ward) at 2:30PM today. A big important step in the right direction that happened pretty quickly, thank goodness. Coley looks great! So much closer to the Coley we know! He's even starting to talk "normally" with his old voice and spirit.

No one-on-one nurse care here, but have a view of a crane right out side our window to watch and a roommate. The crane drivers just climbed down 16 flights of ladders!

It's mostly about pain management now (he's very sore) as well as digestion (he's bloated up and doesn't have much appetite because of the morphine). Coley is also not wanting to use his diaper as he's potty trained! So he keeps holding it in a bit too much and we beg him to pee in a bottle-bucket thingy. He doesn't want to revert back to diapers, the good boy!

The other big project is getting his lungs drained. There's a steady flow of fluids that we hope tapers off quickly so these painful tubes can be removed. The flow rate is perhaps the biggest things his doctors are watching.

Last night went well for Coley with more IVs removed, gassy tummy getting better, and six hours of cuddles to fight the discomfort. The narcotics work much better than daddy nuzzling, I found.

I go back to work tomorrow to catch up with my other 14 kids! They sent Coley a beautiful card yesterday. Lots of muffins today to enjoy as well as more time with grandparents. If all continues to go well, hopefully we'll be out of here by Monday. Seven days here is plenty. Coley wants to get back to school!

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