Monday, September 19, 2011

Life-affirming love

Friends and Family,

Thank you for the outpouring of love and support. Your emails, cards, meals, dog walks, calls, prayers, and more leading up to today were all so perfect. They carry us and help us carry Coley.

Coley has several days hooked up to machines before he's out of here, but it sure feels good getting past this morning's surgery - a stress we've battled for over three years.

Dr. del Nido said that Coley did great! He was able to get off bypass without meds after 1.5 hours, all the "plumbing" fixes worked well, valves are functioning properly, heart rhythms are solid, and pressures in various chambers and the lungs are good. (Google "Fontan Procedure" for the details or "Single Ventricle Heart".)

It's amazing seeing his oxygen levels at 99% and 100% as they used to always be in the mid to lower 80s when resting (and 70s when active). This 99% figure will come down when he's off the breathing machine, then slowing climb back up. 10-15% more oxygen in his blood will help him be even more cute, charming, and fun than ever before! (I could use an extra 15% O2 right now.)

Now he's had five hours of tinkering in the CICU. The team is working to get all the numbers in balance with blood pressure, sedation, pain meds, and more. He'll be sedated until tomorrow morning when they take out his breathing tube and they need him to wake up. It's a scary picture seeing him hooked up to dozens of tubes, wires, and computers, but we were ready for it (unlike last time).

The doctors and nurses here are amazing. Everyone we've interacted with is so caring and helpful. A day at Children's Hospital is an incredible journey of hope, heart, and the human experience. It's intense, but makes you feel so fortunate for all you've got and for the love and ingenuity we humans are capable of.

Thank you again for the support. We're not done here, but are feeling much better about dear Coley's health. As grandma Tish wrote to me in an email yesterday, "It is really life-affirming to be the focus of so much love.....and that's what makes the world go 'round." Indeed.

Anna, Coley, and I feel your love and we thank you.



  1. I have been thinking of you all today and so glad to hear Coley's surgery is done and was successful!!! Best wishes getting through the difficult few days ahead and for Coley to quickly bounce back. xxoo, Erica Fine

  2. My family joined hands this morning and we all said, "Good luck, Coley!" You were on our minds all day...we are SO relieved to hear all is well. I can only imagine your relief...Coley is a trooper, and we will continue to send good energy his/your way.

    Here's to a speedy recovery!
    Sincerely... Jon, Sahar, Soraya, and Zia
