Monday, October 6, 2008

TWO NEW POSTS! 1 of 2: Coley by the numbers.

My, how time flies! Coley turned one month old this week - whether you measure by 4 weeks or from September 3rd to October 3rd, he's a month old!! To celebrate, our friend Liz (one of Coley's many aunties) visited in the morning on Friday. Then the visiting nurse, Linda, came to see Coley. He weighed in at 9lbs, 7oz! Big boy! Up 7oz from Monday. We'll see her again tomorrow, I think, and I'm excited to see how much he's grown.

Another nice development is that three times now he has slept for 4 hours in a row! It's usually the 11pm-3am shift. Keep it up Coley boy! Momma needs the sleep!

Coley and his crazy uncle Sandy ............ Coley and his Great Grandma Nancy.

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