Friday, October 10, 2008

Of hearts and smiles

First, a quick update from our doctor's appointment yesterday: Coley is still doing great! He had a normal EKG and his oxygen saturation level was measured at 84%. Lower than yours or mine, and lower than 3 weeks ago, but still high enough to allow us to hold out on intervention for a bit longer. The doctor and nurse said he looks great and at ease (as opposed to struggling to breathe or eat). Our doctor gave him the "Cutest baby of the day" award. I couldn't help but to agree. So now we just continue the waiting game. We're hoping to get to at least 8 weeks, preferably 12 or more, without seeing too much change. That way Coley can skip the first, most risky procedure (a shunt or balloon valvoplasty) and just have the Glenn surgery, which has more certain results. So there's the update from the medical side.

In more fun news, Coley has started smiling - while awake! We've been on the lookout for this since seeing our friends' new baby (who is two weeks older than CW) smile at us. It was SO freakin' cute. We are so excited for it to become a more regular occurence - now it's just once or twice a day: once when his grandma (my mom) comes over in the morning and once when his daddy comes home and puts him to bed. No, I don't get smiles yet. I don't go away and come back like they do. Here's a picture I hurriedly took with my cell phone last night.

1 comment:

  1. i love this photo. arms all thrown up over the head, beaming away. the doc was right, definitely a cute kid.
