Monday, October 6, 2008

TWO NEW POSTS! 2 of 2: Cabin Weekend

Coley, Anna, Penny, and I had a great weekend getaway with Nana and Pa to Great Grandma Kitchel's cabin in northwest CT. The weather was crisp and clear, though the leaves were not very colorful. The streams are high and our work last fall dredging some of the pools sure paid off. They're gorgeous! The big event was taking Coley on his first hike on Saturday. We went to Tim's Point of View then Bob's Cliff. Coley's a strong hiker (just like his mom, who carried all 9 1/2 pounds of him) and his favorite season so far is fall (just like his dad).

Anna, Ted, and Coley at Tim's Point of View.

Nana and Pa on Bob's Cliff.

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