Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Post-op visit

Great post-op visit this morning. His x-ray showed nice dry lungs! Woo hoo! His liver and belly are still a little big, basically meaning the blood is getting backed up in his organs because the tube now connected to his IVC (veinous return from lower body) is smaller than where it was going before (right atrium, I think). His O2 sats are at 93! They think because the sats are so high and the belly is still a bit enlarged, the fenestration they put in the gortex tube connecting his IVC to pulmonary artery may be closing. It was smaller than most to start with, however (under 2mm instead of closer to 3-4pm), so it's possible that's the reason.

Long story short, he's doing great. We're at the aquarium now, so I can update more later!

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