Monday, October 3, 2011

Coley's been home seven days now. We're trying to get him in walking shape and back to his old sleeping routines, but with little luck. When it comes to walking, he wants "UPPY." When it comes to sleep, he wants "MOMMY!" But being stressed about sleep or work is a blessing after being stressed about Coley's special heart for so long.

More walk and more sleep would be nice for all involved, but we're so happy to have our dear son home and back to his cute and silly ways. Someday sleep will return, we hope, but for now we're counting our blessings and enjoying time together. We have a check-up tomorrow with Dr. Marx to see if Coley can start up school this week.

Here's a pic of our big boy helping rake for the first time yesterday. It's interesting how with much more oxygen in his blood, his cheeks aren't as rosy as they always used to be. Maybe that cheekiness is just spreading out more?

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