Friday, September 19, 2008


Ok, so I'll have to confirm some of the details, but here's the quick version of the "Rollins" story. My grandfather Marvin Rollins was born Marvin Rosenfeld (lest ye doubt my Jewish heritage...). In the 1940s he applied to medical school in Ohio. Applying as Marvin Rosenfeld he was rejected multiple times. He knew this was bigotry at work, so he decided to change his name to something less obviously Jewish. The story I always heard was that he saw Collins Street on a map, but wanted his initials to remain the same, so decided to change his name to Rollins. As Marvin Rollins, he was accepted to medical school and became a successful doctor. There ya have it: the sad, but true and interesting story of my maiden name. So, should he be Coley Rosenfeld Wells? Yeah, we don't think so either.

Here's me with Marvin.................. here's my dad with his dad.

Here's me with Laura Rollins - Nonnie - who's having a lot of trouble remembering that I've made her a great grandmother, not just a grandmother, as she says whenever we talk on the phone.

Here's my dad with Coley.

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