Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Coley update and new pictures

Hi everyone! On the eve of Coley's 2 week birthday, here's an update and some pictures. Coley has put on about a pound over the past 10 days. He was born at 7lbs 6 oz, went down to about 7lbs, and is now at 8lbs 2oz! He's eating like a champ (he eats whenever he wants, which is about every 2-4 hours) and growing fast. All our nurses and doctors are very impressed with him.

Ted is home on paternity leave for the rest of this week, which means he'll get to see him grow and change all day, every day for 6 days in a row!

Here are the pictures (the first one's my favorite):

He practices smiling in his sleep.


The Full Monty!

This is how he spent his first Patriots game.


He loves his Pa and his Pa loves him:

The "jaguar" position.

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