Thursday, September 4, 2008

Meet Coley Wells!

Exactly 24 hours ago, Coley Wells was born, and we are so overjoyed to share him with you in the photos below. He was born at 3:33 9/3/08. Weight: 7lbs 6 oz. Length 20.5 inches.

Anna was absolutely amazing doing her 10 hour labor completely naturally. I cannot begin to describe how inspiring she was or how magical it feels to become a father. Perhaps the photos do a better job of that.

Coley heart is off to a good start. The first 48 hours will say a lot and the first 3 or 4 days will determine if he'll need the first of three surgeries (he will need the 2nd and 3rd we know already). He's very cute (everyone says that here at the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit at Boston Children's Hospital). He's been steady with very little fussing even when being poked and prodded.

We'll post many photos here in the upcoming days and will let you know about his progress. This space will let us communicate with all about our dear boy without having to contact everyone individually. You can find as much detail as you'd like here, or just check out the pics.

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