Friday, September 5, 2008

GOOD News!!!

I am so happy to write that two hours ago Anna and I got the following news:

The best case scenario has worked out for our dear boy Coley. His heart is very strong and the balance of blood going from his one single ventricle to the lungs and body is just right. He can skip the first (and most risky) "shunt" surgery that was to happen next week. We can bring him home tomorrow or Sunday! A huge weight and stress has been lifted.

His malformed heart is doing just fine on its own right now. He is pink, active, and happy. We were to have waited 4 days to see if the PDA valve would close for a final test, but it happened early. And he's still fine.

He will need heart surgeries at about 6 months and at 18 months, but they are less risky. His chances for a 'normal' life are much higher now. I can't even begin to explain my emotions right now. The longest two days of Anna and my lives are starting to speed up and we are feeling so much better.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS! I'm totally tearing up! I love you all so much. Coley is so freakin' cute!!! See you soon. Love and hugs from Auntie Nabia :)

  2. I can't tell you what relief that is to hear. I just finished reading your whole blog and I'm covered in goose bumps. Anna you are amazing and you look amazing too. Coley is truely adorable and a trooper already ( I can tell these things and I can tell that I will be chasing this one down the slopes). I wish I was still in Boston to visit you guys. I hope to see you all soon. Come visit in Utah this winter!!! Love you guys.

