Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Time to dust off the old blog...

Coley, w/ his lady-friends and the pink dump truck cake he requested.
Welcome back to Baby Bear's Blog! It's been a long time... so long that Baby Bear is no longer a baby! He just turned three at the beginning of September.

The reason for starting up the blog again is that the much-anticipated second surgery is around the corner. In anticipation of what we are about to go through these next few weeks, we made the most of our summer, filling it with friends, family, beaches, fun, travel, and a
big birthday bash for Coley. Pictures of all that fun stuff you can see on Facebook. But we are not going to use FB for surgery updates - just this site.

The surgery will be Monday, September 19th. Less than a week away. It all starts with a day of pre-op testing this Thursday, September 15 and a cardiac catheterization Friday, September 16th. We may spend the night at Children's Friday, but last time we were able to go home. We're hoping for that and feeling so grateful to live 5 minutes from the hospital! It's the exact same schedule as last time, though that doesn't help me remember it any, since my memories of March of 2009 are totally fuzzy from worry and sleep deprivation. I just read our old posts to try to remember how it went!

Before the hospital adventure starts, Coley starts school tomorrow! His class goes for half a morning the first two days, then starts full mornings after that. He'll get to visit for the first day, then will probably be out for the next two weeks. He is SO excited for school, so I'm glad he'll have that to look forward to as he's recovering. Then Thursday, the hospital adventure begins. Check back here for updates. We'll post as often as we can. Thanks for continuing to think of Coley and sending us love.


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