Sunday, November 15, 2009

A bittersweet day in the life of Coley & Anna

It is a bittersweet day in our lives as we say 'so long' to our dear friends Heather and Nate. Today is their last day in Boston. They are moving on to the milder climes and nearby family in Davidson, North Carolina.

We met them in a baby development class in the spring and have been good friends and playground pals ever since. Heather has been a terrific friend and support to me (Coley loves her, too - climbs all over her in music class!), and Nate is just the sweetest and most energetic little boy!

We are so happy to know them and to have spent many quality hours together in music class, playgroup, at the playground, at JP Licks, in the Atrium play space, walking in the Arboretum, and so much more. So we are incredibly sad that they are moving. We wish them well in their new hometown and hope to see them again soon!!

Here are a few of us moms with our dear babes:

And here's a funny video of Coley and Nate:

We'll miss you, Heather and Nate!!

Much love and luck to you,
Anna, Coley, and Ted

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