Thursday, March 26, 2009


Our next visit with our cardiologist, the amazing Dr. Marx, is not for six months! Yippee! We had our post-op check-up today and Dr. Marx was thrilled with Coley's recovery and health. So much so, in fact, that we don't need to visit Chilren's for half a year! A little scary, but very good news. We'll still see his pediatrician, Dr. Laster, regularly.

Coley's blood pressure was a little low (better than high, where it was after OR). Weight is up to 16 lbs, 4oz - he was stuck at 16 lbs for over a month, but is now growing again. 26.5 inches tall.

His blood oxygen level got up to 88% very quickly - they could have gone higher had we waited. This is great news (think oxygen to the brain, muscles, etc). Hopefully after the Fontan surgery in two years he'll be in the 90s% (most people are at 98% or higher, Coley was in the 70s% prior to surgery). Dr. Marx said because Coley handled the Glenn so very well, that the Fontan should also go smoothly.

Below are three new video clips. Some of the cutest ever, I think.

PS - This website can now be accessed at !

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