Thursday, September 11, 2008

An email from Pa

I am so glad to share with you a letter written by Coley's Pa, Ted's dad, on Saturday when we came home. We are touched by the thoughtfulness and thoroughness of this email and appreciate his willingness to let us share it on the blog. We are all so lucky to have a dad, father-in-law, and pa like Bob. To say 'we love you' is an understatement.

Many of you have heard the good news that Coley went home today with Ted and Anna. This is truly good news because the surgery, if one was required, was a most serious one. Binney and I were fortunate to be at the hospital with Dr. Marx, the pediatric cardiologist, when he came to see Coley. He spent one hour with him and with us. And has been back many times. He performed an echocardiogram (others had been taken after his birth) in the room and determined that the heart was strong and the blood/oxygen level (and other matters far beyond my comprehension) was appropriate. It was what he had hoped for, and more. As a result of that determination, a decision was made to send him home today. We are still faced with two surgeries. One in about 6 months and another in about 2 years, although those surgeries are less serious than the first one, had it been required. He has a congenital heart defect with only one ventricle (you are supposed to have two!) and surgery will be required to allow Coley to lead a normal life. There will be few limitations on him during his life. Dr. Marx indicated that contact sports probably were out but soccer and other kids' activities would certainly be consistent with what he would want to see Coley do. In other words he will be a normal kid and grow up to enjoy a normal life. What a relief! I inquired as to how many babies have what Coley does. And he indicated that about one in ten thousand suffer this problem. And Coley's is even more unusual than most. Childrens Hospital is a wonderful institution where people come from around the world to seek this type of medical care. And we have been blessed by Dr. Marx, the staff, and all the wonderful people who make Childrens the best hospital in the world for complicated health issues. What wonderful news to share with you.

When the surgeries occur, the chief of pediatric cardiac surgery will perform those operations. Anna's father, Barry Rollins (note Coley's middle name!), and his wife, Jane Weeks, (both oncologists at Dana Farber) have been most helpful in making sure that Ted and Anna saw the right doctors and other staff. Their visits with us and with Dr. Marx gave us the comfort that all was being done that was humanly possible for Coley. Anna's mother, Mary, has been an inspiration as well. We enjoyed long visits together as we shared the birth of Coley, and the resulting news about his release from the hospital.

I also had a big surprise when I went to Ted and Anna's house. I had
been unable to see the nursery before Coley was born. And when I walked into the nursery room, I saw this amazing wall drawing. It is the view from our kitchen window-the red barn, Mt. Kearsarge, the long hay field, white fences, and trees. Simply breathtaking. And done to perfection. It wraps around the whole room. Ted had done this for Coley, wanting him to experience what he did as a young boy. And needless to say Binney and I were overwhelmed with the thought behind the creative work Ted had performed to honor us and to entertain Coley.

I am sure there will be more news. You can go to Ted and Anna's website ( and link on to their blogs for pictures and updates as they add them.

Binney and I want to thank all of you for your wonderful support throughout the last few months, and certainly the last few days. Without your prayers and good wishes, it would have been difficult-no, it would have been impossible. Thanks, again for your love and friendship.


Here's a picture of the room:

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