Monday, August 23, 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Age 1-2 Video

Here's a new video with lots of old footage from the past 12 months! Age 2 here we come!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cutie Pie!

Coley got all dressy for church two weekends back. Here he is.

Thanks to Aunt Hylah for the photo!

Monday, March 1, 2010

January in a nutshell. February coming soon!

Hi everyone! I know this post has been a long time coming, but the accompanying photos and video will show that we have been busy! A couple milestones to celebrate this week: first, today is exactly 1 year post-surgery. I can't believe how fast this year has gone and how wonderfully healthy Coley continues to be. Second, Coley turns 18 months old tomorrow!!! It feels like just last week that I was setting up this blog. I'll probably be saying that for the next 18 years. Geez... I sound like an old person.

Enjoy the photos and videos!

With much love,

Coley has a new play structure. Thanks, Gaga!

The boy LOVES his books...

Sorry this one gets so shaky! And no, he does not often just sit and look at books. Wouldn't that be nice!

(More, Mama!)

We had a visit from a west coast-residing Bowdoin friend. Christo was kind enough to read Coley "Pat the Bunny."

Trying on Daddy's slippers:

And of course, he still loves his doggy: